About Skyrim Roleplay

Roleplay in a video game can be a rich experience that one couldn't get in the world we live in. We know much about our world, but what happens when you enter a whole new strange world, filled with wild creatures, monsters, and bandits? You get Skyrim roleplay! But it's not as simple as starting the game.

Skyrim was intended by the devlopers to follow the role of the Dovakiin, the Dragonborn, in his quest to learn the tongue of dragons and defeat the final boss. Roleplaying doesn't care about that, so we have to work around this. The way to do this is to customize the game via its ability to "mod" (a modification of the game).

All these mods are available free, most will be on Nexus. To see more detailed info about a mod, click on the link about it below. All links will open in a new window/tab.

DLC Info:
Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn are installed. High Resolution Texture Pack is installed.

Gameplay Style:
Gameplay will be mostly done in the 3rd Person mode, generally two "clicks" back. Occasional use of 1st Person mode will be used for effect.
Difficulty is Adept.
Compass is off.
Fast travel will not be used.
Carriage travel is allowed.
Glitch chests/walk-though-walls chests are not allowed.
Character specific rules will be on the character sheets.

Mod Sorting Info:
Essential Mods: Ones that are needed for my roleplay to work correctly.
Graphical Mods: Ones that don't change the gameplay, but are there to change how the game looks.
Misc. Mods: Other mods I've added that aren't too important, but are listed in case you're curious.